Bible Questions? Bible Answers!

The Bible is a remarkable book, but it is not always easy to understand. Whether you've never picked up a Bible or you're an expert, this is for you! There may even be some questions you've never thought about.

Some examples: What must I do to be saved? Who was Jesus? How can I be the best parent I can be? Where did the Bible come from?

We have collected 19 questions at MayFest 2019 that we will be sharing with you here or in the Rutherford Weekly. If you have a question you would like to add, you may ask them here! We can either send you your answer privately, publish them in the Rutherford Weekly, or both! If it's a really good question, we might even have a sermon on it! So keep up with our sermons here.

If you want to sign up for a Bible correspondence course or a personal Bible study with our preacher, please let us know that below, too!

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