Mark: The Preparation

Mark 1:1-15

Chapter 1

  1. Mark 1:1

  2. Mark 1:2-3

  3. John’s mission in a nutshell (1:4-8).

    1. The location was verified, that he operated in the wilderness as Isaiah foretold.

    2. John the Baptist is call this because he is known for baptizing people.

      1. To get away from using the name of a denomination, many of us will accurately call him “John the Baptizer,” or even more clearly, “John the Immerser.”

      2. Since our English Bibles say “John the Baptist,” I don’t have a problem with it.

    3. Let us talk about the purpose of his baptism (1:4-5).

      1. First, we cannot conflate this baptism with the baptism of Christ (Acts 19:1-5).

      2. It was not for all nations, but only Jews—many from Judea and Jerusalem.

      3. This was done exclusively in the Jordan River.

      4. The ones being baptized also confessed their sins—no example in Acts of this concerning Christ’s baptism.

      5. As is stated in Acts 19:4, this is a baptism of repentance, “saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.”

      6. That repentance was to turn the hearts of the people to God.

      7. This baptism was also for the remission of sins—that means the disciples in Acts 19 were also baptized for the remission of sins. So why did they need to be baptized again? What are the differences between Christ’s baptism and John’s baptism?

      8. What application can we take from that today? Is “baptism for the remission of sins” enough? If not, why not?

      9. Can one be baptized in His name (by His authority) and added to His church if we know nothing of His body?