Mary’s Motherly Example

Luke 1:42


  1. Mary is not often given the credit she deserves.

    1. Some almost deify her (too much credit).

    2. Others ignore her completely (not enough credit).

    3. Yet she is the best example of a godly woman in Scripture.

    4. She is the also the best example of motherhood.

  2. Elizabeth called her “blessed among women” (Luke 1:42).

    1. Mary said that all generations will call her blessed (Luke 1:48).

    2. It certainly is a blessing to have a child (Psa. 127:3-5).

    3. How much more of a blessing is it that God hand-picks you to be the mother of the Messiah!

    4. Through her came the Salvation of all the world.

  3. What lessons can we learn about her as a mother? It all boils down to a plan.

    1. Choice of child’s father.

    2. Choice of support system.

    3. Choice to obey God.


  1. Choose the Child’s Father: Joseph.

    1. This is the first choice any woman can make in regard to motherhood.

    2. Joseph was a righteous man.

      1. Do you think God would have allowed His Son to be raised by an unrighteous man?

      2. He was loving toward Mary by not wanting to make a public example of her having believed she had fornicated (Matt. 1:19).

      3. After hearing from the Lord the truth, he obeyed and married her (Matt. 1:20, 24).

    3. Be selective about whom you marry—he will raise your children, too.

    4. Chase after God and marry the man who can keep up.”

      1. This does not mean he must be perfect.

      2. It does mean he is willing to grow in Christ.

      3. If he is not willing to grow and improve as a Christian, he is not worth your time.

    5. You know what makes babies.

      1. Only do that with a man whom you know is committed.

      2. The only way you will know that is if he has married you.

      3. Even then, it’s not guaranteed, but it’s more sure than a one-night stand, a boyfriend, or even a fiancee.

      4. Joseph had not, yet they were betrothed (engaged) – Mary was a virgin.

      5. He was even willing to refrain after they were married until after Jesus was born (Matt. 1:25).

      6. You do not know if the result will end in a pregnancy or not—it’s not worth taking the chance.

  2. Choose a Support System: Elizabeth.

    1. A husband can help, but a woman really needs other female friends for support.

    2. Mary chose her relative Elizabeth (Luke 1:36, 39-40, 56).

      1. She was older and also pregnant.

      2. She stayed with her for three months.

      3. They rejoiced with one another.

    3. Typically the support system consists of relatives, particularly her mother.

      1. This was the case for Mary, choosing her relative Elizabeth.

      2. Also Victoria who has her mother and older sister.

      3. But we live in a highly mobile society today.

      4. We move around more for jobs, often states away from our families, our natural support systems.

      5. This is where the church comes in, offering a support system for our young mothers where family is unwilling or unable.

      6. Older women are told to admonish young women to love husbands and children (Titus 2:4).

    4. So choose a godly support system.

  3. Choose to Obey God.

    1. We see the devotion Mary had to obeying God and the Law throughout the narrative.

      1. Mary’s reaction to Gabriel’s announcement (Luke 1:38).

      2. She had Jesus circumcised on the 8th day (Luke 2:21; cf. Lev. 12:3).

      3. She fulfilled the days of purification (Luke 2:22; cf. Lev. 12:2-4).

      4. She brought Jesus to the temple to present Him to God (Luke 2:22-24; cf. Lev. 12:6-8).

      5. Though not stated, it is implied that, since He is Mary’s firstborn, they had to redeem Him – price was five shekels of silver (Num. 18:15-16; cf. Exo. 13:2, 15).

      6. She went to Jerusalem annually for the Passover (Luke 2:41-42; Deut. 16:1, 16) – she wasn’t required to go, but she likely went in support of her husband and son(s).

    2. The primary evidence to her mothering is her children.

      1. Jesus grew and became strong, filled with wisdom (Luke 2:40).

      2. He continued to increase in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and men (Luke 2:52).

      3. While Jesus’ brothers did not initially believe in Him (John 7:5), one of them became a prominent leader in the Jerusalem church, and he and another wrote books in the Bible (Mark 6:3; Acts 15:13; 21:18; Gal. 1:19; James 1:1; Jude 1).

      4. If she followed the Law in other areas, she followed the Law in teaching her children (Deut. 6:6-9).

    3. Mothers have a vital role today in obeying God.

      1. Teach your children through example.

      2. Teach them to show reverence to the Lord, especially during worship.

      3. If these things are not taught, our children are more likely to fall away.

      4. Let us not do our children a disservice by not teaching them these things.

    4. Choosing to obey God is a lot easier when we have made good choices in our spouse and our support system.


  1. Motherhood is no easy task.

  2. It becomes much easier if we follow Mary’s excellent example.

    1. She chose her husband wisely—supportive husband and great father.

    2. She chose her support system wisely—those who will encourage and advise.

    3. She also chose to obey God, which is the very beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7).

  3. Let us honor our mothers and grandmothers today.

    1. Acknowledge the love and sacrifice they have given to their children.

    2. Men, let’s be the husband/father we need to be.

    3. Women, be the support system that is needed for each other.

    4. Church, let us encourage them in serving the Lord.

  4. Will you serve the Lord today?