The Nature of Worship

John 4:23-24


  1. Having the proper perspective is important.

    1. Looking through mirror at an ambulance, the word “ambulance” can be read easily.

    2. Makers of the sign knew it had to be easily read in an emergency.

    3. They were considerate of the perspective of drivers.

  2. Our perspective of worship is also vitally important.

    1. Sometimes we look at worship as a chore.

    2. We must change our perspective—worship ought to be a joy!

    3. David was joyful when it was time for worship (Psa. 122:1).

  3. This lesson will examine the background and nature of worship.

  4. Purpose is to help us be more pleasing to God, and to help change our perspective from that of a chore to that of the joy it should engender.


  1. The Background of Worship.

    1. We must take note of Hebrew worship of the Old Testament.

      1. In effect for 1500 years.

      2. This worship appealed to the lower instincts of mankind.

        1. Animal sacrifices were prominent.

        2. People brought animals, priest would sacrifice them.

        3. On Day of Atonement, one animal sacrificed for sins of all Israel.

        4. Incense was burned in the temple—appealed to sense of smell.

      3. David brought in instrumental music (1 Chron 15-16).

        1. This appealed to people’s instincts, as with incense and annual sacrifices.

        2. This type of worship guided men on to a greater age.

    2. Book of Hebrews shows imagery of this worship (Heb. 8-10).

      1. The very image was to occur in the Christian age.

      2. The shadow was cast back to include the elements of O.T. worship.

        1. Animal sacrifices were a mere shadow to the perfect sacrifice of Christ.

        2. God was not necessarily pleased when an animal was sacrificed (Heb. 10:5; Psa. 51:16-17).

        3. He was pleased when He was obeyed.

      3. N.T. worship is to appeal to our higher instincts.

        1. If it does, it will be better than that of O.T. times.

        2. No more need for animal sacrifices.

        3. No more need for incense or instrumental music.

      4. Worship of O.T. not meant to last forever.

  2. The Nature of Worship.

    1. Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-26).

      1. Much antagonism between Samaritans and Jews.

      2. He asked her many questions.

      3. Woman changed the subject when talking about sins.

      4. Worship on Mt. Gerizim? (John 4:20).

      5. Soon, must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24).

    2. Must worship God in truth.

      1. Worship in the way God says, the way He wants.

      2. Our opinions are not important.

      3. Doctrinal purity is important.

      4. Ignorant worship—to the unknown god (Acts 17:16ff).

        1. We might admire people like Socrates, Aristotle, Plato.

        2. They had more gods than men in Athens according to Juvenal (330k gods).

        3. Despite their wisdom and philosophy, they did not know God (1 Cor. 1:21).

        4. They attempted to worship “an unknown god.”

        5. Paul noted this and tried to teach them about the God they ignored.

      5. Improper perspective on worship.

        1. Must not accentuate the wrong aspects of worship.

        2. Do you require a nice building?

        3. Do you focus on the character of those in attendance rather than your own relationship to God?

    3. Must worship God in spirit.

      1. Not a reference to the Holy Spirit, but to your attitude and frame of mind.

      2. John was “in the spirit” on the Lord’s Day (Rev. 1:10).

      3. He was in the right frame of mind to worship.

      4. David wanted proper frame of mind (Psa. 51:10).

      5. Common phrase: “Get in the spirit of things!” – means to change attitude.

      6. Another: “That’s the spirit!” – One is commended for the right attitude.

      7. Proper perspective on worship.

        1. Have an attitude of humility (Psa. 51:17; Isa. 66:2).

        2. Realize the absolute need you have for God.

        3. Have a certain sense of joy intermingled with sobriety.


  1. Worship is meaning—part of being a Christian.

  2. Disappointed when someone missed an appointment? – especially before cell phones.

  3. If you’re a Christian, you have an appointment every first day of the week (Heb. 10:25).

  4. Worship is a time to be attuned to God—John, even exiled on the Isle of Patmos, kept that appointment as best as he could.

  5. Let us keep that appointment as best as we can.