Life Before Death

John 10:10


  1. Throughout time, we have wondered about life after death.

    1. We cannot accept that death is the end.

    2. Shakespeare called it, “The undiscover’d country from whose bourn no traveller returns, puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others we know not of.”

    3. People have always wondered what lies beyond.

  2. For the Christian, there is a bigger question: Is there life before death?

    1. Since we are alive, of course there is in the biological sense.

    2. Depends on how we define “life.”

    3. There is more to life than living, breathing, eating, sleeping.

    4. Jesus says He came that we may have life and have it more abundantly! (John 10:10).

    5. Jesus also talks of the light of life (John 8:12).

  3. Those features of an abundant life, the light of life are: spiritual, fruitful, hopeful.


  1. A Spiritual Life.

    1. Jesus discussed this with Nicodemus.

      1. Nicodemus knew Jesus was from God because of His miracles (John 3:2).

      2. Jesus told him of the necessity of the second birth (John 3:3).

      3. Nicodemus could only think of biological life (John 3:4).

      4. Jesus made it clear He was talking about a spiritual life (John 3:5).

    2. Paul also discussed this kind of thing with Titus (Tit. 3:5).

      1. Spirit of God works through Word of God to inform us of mind of God (1 Cor. 2:11-12).

      2. The mission of Spirit of Christ to reveal mind of God to all men.

      3. This is done through His Word.

    3. Here is the biblical order of becoming a new creature in Christ.

      1. Become acquainted with Word of God (through teacher or on your own).

      2. We begin to know things that God wants us to do and we obey.

      3. As a result, we are baptized for the remission of sins.

      4. Thus we are born into the kingdom of God, His church—a different person.

      5. Know Word → Obey Word → Become Different.

    4. Doctors and nurses often talk about their patient’s vital signs.

      1. What about our spiritual vital signs? Are they strong?

      2. How are you responding to this new life as a Christian?

        1. New creature (2 Cor. 5:17).

        2. New mind (Col. 3:9-10).

        3. Continually renew our minds (Rom. 12:2).

    5. Jesus calls us to spiritual life. Let us live as we ought.

  2. A Fruitful Life.

    1. We must always be willing to bear fruit, to produce much.

      1. This fruit is present in the fruit of the Spirit—improving ourselves (Gal. 5:22-23).

      2. This is also true in the fruit of winning souls.

      3. This is what is represented by the Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30).

    2. Funeral of a Bible teacher at Abilene Christian years ago, J. W. Roberts.

      1. He suddenly passed and was relatively young.

      2. One of his sons said: “I’m glad my daddy wasn’t sick over a long period of time and didn’t have any time at all to think about dying. He had so many things he wanted to do before he died, it would have grieved him most to know that he wasn’t going to live long enough to do them.”

      3. Christians ought to be productive, just as he was.

      4. There should be much on our plate in terms of improving our lives as Christians and winning souls.

    3. Even those who don’t do big and spectacular things are important.

      1. For example, a commercial jet cannot lift off without securing the smallest of pieces, the cargo latch.

      2. A failure of a small O-ring seal was the cause of the Challenger disaster.

      3. Foam insulation from the external fuel tank led to damage to the heat shield on the left wing of Columbia.

      4. Sometimes the smallest things can do so much!

      5. The one-talent man was the one chastised in Matt. 25:24-30.

      6. If you can only do small things, do those things!

    4. Jesus wants us to live fruitful lives.

  3. A Hopeful Life.

    1. The life of a Christian is filled with hope from beginning to end!

      1. We can have that hope if we know God (John 17:3).

      2. If we have eternal life, we will also know God—this represents hope!

      3. The accounts in Scripture are written so we may believe and have life in His name—hope! (John 20:31).

      4. The crown of life is promised to those who remained faithful—hope! (Rev. 2:10).

      5. Our help is steadfast and sure, an anchor of the soul (Heb. 6:19).

      6. If we reject, however, we are unworthy of eternal life (Acts 13:46).

    2. No one deserves eternal life—it cannot be earned.

      1. But there are things we can do to attain it.

      2. Some refuse to listen and will not receive that blessed hope.


  1. The Bible pulsates with life: spiritual, fruitful, hopeful.

  2. No matter where you are in life, there is hope.

    1. Paul, when he was in prison, prayed and sang songs.

    2. “You will have life and have it more abundantly.” Really, Lord? “Yes.” I’m having a hard time seeing that from prison. “It’s true!”

    3. The early Christians were martyred, yet they were still growing spiritually, still bearing fruit, and still had hope.

    4. They had life before death and a promised a life after death.

  3. Jesus gave His promise of a home in heaven for His followers (John 14:1-4).

  4. If you want that hope, become a Christian today and make things right.