Mark: The Preparation

Mark 1:1-15

Chapter 1

  1. Mark 1:1.

  2. Mark 1:2-3.

  3. Mark 1:4-8.

  4. Mark 1:9-11.

  5. Mark 1:12-13.

  6. Introduction to Jesus’ preaching (1:14-15).

    1. Timing: after John was put into prison.

      1. We see why he was imprisoned in Mark 6:17-20.

      2. He was speaking truth to power—can be very dangerous.

      3. Herod Antipas, Herod the Great’s son, liked John, but Herodias his wife did not.

      4. Herodias was Philip’s wife, but she conspired to divorce him to marry Herod.

      5. Herodias was upset by John’s preaching and wanted John dead, so Herod imprisoned him but kept him alive… until …

      6. Herod must have gone down to the prison to listen to John before he was executed, a prison by the Dead Sea according to Josephus.

      7. Whatever the case, Herod did not repent by putting away Herodias.

    2. Jesus preached primarily in Galilee during the first part of His ministry.

      1. It is a region somewhat centered around Nazareth.

      2. It, of course, borders the Sea of Galilee.

      3. This is the first place that’s mentioned in vs. 16; vs. 17 mentions the first town, Capernaum.

      4. Though John 1:44 reveals that Bethsaida is where Peter and Andrew were from.

      5. Mark 1:29 tells us Peter and Andrew share a house, along with Peter’s MIL.

      6. This suggests the house is in Capernaum, but they could have gone up to Bethsaida (only an about 1.5 hr walk).

    3. Subject of His preaching – gospel of the kingdom of God.

      1. Gospel is good news.

      2. This good news pertained to God’s kingdom—that is the church.

      3. Is teaching about the church good news?

      4. Time is fulfilled concerning the kingdom of God.

      5. It is “at hand” meaning it is coming soon.

      6. In a sense it had already arrived in Jesus.

      7. It would not fully be realized until Acts 2.

      8. Jesus tells what has happened (God’s part), then He says what we should do about it (man’s part).

      9. Repent and believe!

      10. What is that gospel that Jesus preached?

        1. It was something to be believed.

        2. The fact that He was here was good news.

        3. It was a fulfillment of OT prophecies.

        4. It was good news about the kingdom, His church He would build, established on better promises.

        5. DBR hadn’t happened yet, but it was “at hand.”