Pentecost: A Day to Remember

Acts 2:1


  1. Every nation has a special day to remember.

  2. We have several: e.g. July 4, 1776; Dec. 7, 1941; Sept 11, 2001.

  3. The Christian has an unforgettable day, the Day of Pentecost.

    1. This day was also significant to Jews—Feast of Weeks.

    2. Jews were scattered about by 700 b.c., but they returned to Jerusalem for this day.

    3. Rabbis in NT times believed the Law was given on this day.

    4. On this day, the Spirit came, the church began, and 3000 obeyed.


  1. The Spirit Came (2:1-4).

    1. A promise was given to the Apostles (Mark 9:1; Acts 1:3b-5).

    2. On whom did the Spirit fall?

      1. This was for the 12, not the 120 (cf. Acts 1:15).

      2. Antecedent and pronoun (Acts 1:26-2:1).

      3. All were Galileans, not all the 120 (Acts 2:7).

      4. Peter stood up among the 11 (Acts 2:14).

      5. Recall, they were told specifically not to leave Jerusalem (Acts 1:4; cf. Luke 24:49).

      6. John the Baptist promised this baptism of the HS, as did Jesus, to the Apostles.

    3. This was also promised through the prophet Joel (Acts 2:16-21; cf. Joel 2:28-32).

      1. Joel prophesied in a time of great trouble—locusts would come.

      2. He told of the coming of a happier day of the Holy Spirit.

    4. Why speak in tongues?

      1. It fulfilled prophecy (1 Cor. 14:21; cf. Isa. 28:11-12).

      2. It was clearly miraculous, a sign pointing to the divine (1 Cor. 14:22).

      1. Purpose of miracles is to believe on Him (John 20:30-31).

      1. These miracles corroborated Peter’s message about Christ (Acts 2:22-24).

      2. That message was that they crucified the Lord and Christ who was resurrected (Acts 2:33, 36).

    1. The Spirit provided Divine approval to the Apostles.

      1. Paul made this argument when the Judaizers preached in Galatia (Gal. 3:1-5).

      2. The Judaizers were preaching a false gospel, and the Spirit did not endorse them.

      3. The Spirit endorses us if we believe and obey His inspired word.

      4. The Spirit cannot agree with two contradictory statements.

      5. Either one is true and the other is false, or both are false.

      6. The Spirit only endorsed truth.

  1. The Church Began (2:22-36).

    1. Holy Spirit involved in events concerning Jesus.

      1. He participated in His Incarnation, His birth.

      2. He was there in the form of a dove at His baptism at the “birth” of His ministry.

      3. He also participated in the birth of His church.

      4. This shows Divine approval!

    2. Peter had to clear up all misunderstandings.

      1. The Apostles were not drunk (Acts 2:13, 15).

      2. He set the record straight as to the Person of Jesus—His Lordship and His Messiah-ship (Acts 2:22-36).

        1. They crucified Him.

        2. He was buried.

        3. He rose again, as was prophesied.

        4. He is now at the right hand of God.

      3. This was now Christ’s age and His administration—obey Him!

      4. Peter stated later there is no other name by which we are saved (Acts 4:11-12).

  2. A Multitude Obeyed (2:37-47).

    1. Another great thing happened that day—people responded (Acts 2:37).

      1. They were cut to the heart.

      2. Peter had exposed their sins.

      3. They cried out “what shall we do?”

    2. Peter told them what to do to have their sins forgiven: repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38).

      1. They obeyed Peter, 3000 souls (Acts 2:41).

      2. The Lord added them to the church (Acts 2:47).

    3. Peter linked repentance and baptism as necessities for remission of sins.

      1. Without repentance we will perish (Luke 13:3).

      2. We cannot be taught wrong and baptized right (Acts 19:1-5).

      3. We cannot truly repent if we have no understanding of the true purpose of baptism or of the church of the New Testament that true baptism puts us into.

      4. They were added to the church, to His body (1 Cor. 12:13).

      5. The disciples in Ephesus had to be baptized right after being baptized wrong.

    4. We have two alternatives:

      1. We can obey Christ and receive forgiveness of sins.

      2. We can disobey Him and remain in guilt, condemned before Him.

    5. 3000 people obeyed Christ on the Day of Pentecost!


  1. On this day:

    1. The Spirit came, giving His approval.

    2. The church of Christ was established.

    3. 3000 souls obeyed the gospel call.

  2. Will you obey that gospel call today that Peter first made 2000 years ago?

  3. It’s not my invitation, it’s not really Peter’s, but our Lord’s invitation as He told Peter what to speak (Luke 24:46-48).

  4. And the Spirit and the bride (the church) say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” (Rev. 22:17).